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Are you OK?
A resource for those times that you need support.
Unison Cambridgeshire recognises that we are all working under challenging conditions. This can be within the sphere of your work: pay, conditions, work loads, a hostile environment, all contribute to the stress and anxiety we all experience from time to time.
We can also experience challenging times from events closer to home, or outside of work. Relationships, moving home or changing jobs can also contribute or be the cause of mental ill health.
The Branch will offer what support it can, but this is limited to your work issues. The following information offers advice and links, which will offer you the more professional support that you may need.
Whatever your problem is, please seek support; your own GP is a great place to start or if you need urgent support, call the NHS on 111 and select the Mental Health option.
The following are both National and Local Organisations that can supply advice and support for a variety of situations.
Going Through A Crisis
Services which can offer urgent advice and support at critical times.
The NHS remains a great place to start your recovery. Turn up at A&E and ask for support. Our excellent NHS staff will support you and refer you to a liaison psychiatry service or local crisis resolution and home treatment team (CRHT).
This usually involves supporting you with your mental health at home, but they may also refer you to other services to support your needs.
If you are having suicidal thoughts calling 999 will get you immediate help. You, or if you are supporting someone else, it may help to make a safety plan.
Visit Staying safe website for information on how to make a safety plan.
Other Sources Of Support
Access NHS Talking Therapies Service without a GP referral by clicking here The link will take you to the relevant NHS site. You will need to be registered with a GP to get this service. The talking therapy service can help you with a number of issues, including:
generalized anxiety
social anxiety
panic and agoraphobia
other phobias
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
body dysmorphic disorder
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope.
To start a conversation, text the word 'Shout' to 85258. Trained Shout Volunteers are here to listen at any time of day or night and messages won't appear on your phone bill. Click the image for more information.
Experiencing a mental health problem, supportive and reliable information can change your life. Mind offer help whenever you might need it through their information, advice and local services. Call the Infoline: 0300 123 3393 between 9am and 6pm, Mon-Fri (except bank holidays). Or click the logo for a full list of services that Mind offer.
The Samaritans offer a 24/7 service. Call 116 123 and a volunteer will answer and will help you, they will listen and give you space to talk through your thoughts and feelings. They won't tell you what to do, but will be able to give you advice or opinions if that is what you want. It is a safe space for you to talk anytime you like. Tap the logo for more information.
Cambridgeshire County Council
Employment Assistance Programme
For its employees, the County Council offer the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). This is through Health Assured and can also be used by the employees family members such as your partner/spouse and children 16-24 who are in full time education and living at home. Click the
logo for the Health Assured web pages
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