Branch Information:
UNISON Cambridgeshire is the local branch of UNISON. We are committed to the principles of solidarity, unity and progress. Our strength comes from our belief that only by acting together can ordinary working people organise for their mutual benefit.
If you want to speak with a Branch official or have a work-related
problem or query, you can contact the Branch by email, phone or
contact form. Follow the button for more information.
The Branch opening hours:
Monday: 10:00 AM - 15:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 15:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 15:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 15:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM - 15:00 PM
Please note that Branch hours may change due to staff annual leave, sickness or we are all our representing members.
Visit our Facebook page: UNISON Cambridgeshire County Branch Facebook​
Branch Administrator
Michelle Carpenter
Branch Caseworker & Organiser
John Toomey
Branch Caseworker & Organiser
Paul Farley
Branch Caseworker & Organiser
Isobel McGrath
Branch Caseworker & Organiser
Sam Mathieson
Branch Caseworker & Organiser
Phil Gooden
The Branch Staff
Contact any member of the Branch staff via the Branch email by clicking here
The Branch Team
UNISON has 1,200 branches across the UK, each consisting of its members. Some members are elected by their peers to take on various roles, including:
Branch Chair: Clare Andrews
Facilitates branch and committee meetings and acts as the senior negotiator.
Assistant Branch Chair: Martin Cove
Assists the Branch Chair during branch and committee meetings.
Branch Secretary: Rob Turner
Serves as the main contact with the wider union and manages branch administration.
Branch Treasurer: Sharon Halls
Manages the branch's finances, including maintaining accounts.
Health & Safety Officer: Rob Turner
Leads campaigns on health and safety issues for the branch.
Young Members Officer: Molly Ward
Advises and recruits young members while ensuring their voices influence the union.
Equalities Coordinator: Graeme Hodgson
Collaborates with officers on issues of equality, including sex, race, disability, and LGBT+ rights, and ensures best practices in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Black Members Officer: Susan Kaur and Tej Williamson
Works with the Equalities Coordinator on race-related equality issues and chairs the Self-Organising Group for Black members.
Disabled Members Officer: David Sayers
Works with the Equalities Coordinator on disability-related equality issues and chairs the Self-Organising Group for disabled members.
LGBT+ Members Officer: (Volunteer needed)
Collaborates with the Equalities Coordinator on LGBT+ issues and chairs the Self-Organising Group for LGBT+ members.
Women’s Officer: (Volunteer needed)
Works with the Equalities Coordinator on women’s issues and chairs the Self-Organising Group for women members.
Schools Convenor: (Volunteer needed)
Assists branch activists in schools and further education with organization and casework.
Education Co-ordinator: Bess Sayer
Organizes training courses and educational programs for members, stewards, health and safety representatives, and branch officers.
Membership Officer: Lin Bagwell
Manages branch membership records and works on recruitment and organization development.
Branch Communications Officer: Rob Turner
Oversees branch newsletters, websites, and other media communications.
Welfare Officer: (Vacant)
Assists members with welfare claims and campaigns on welfare issues related to the branch.
Branch International Officers: (Volunteer needed)
Leads international solidarity activities, including campaigns, twinning, and support for international projects.
Retired Members Officers: Eric Smith and Sheila Morley
Supports retired UNISON members by campaigning on their behalf and organizing local activities.
APF Political Officer: (Cambridgeshire County representative is vacant)
The Branch Secretary, Rob Turner, has held the Local Government SGE Seat since February 2017. The APF Political Officer liaises with the local Labour Party to ensure the views of UNISON members who pay the APF levy are represented.
The Branch Rule Book
The Rule Book is perhaps the most important Branch document. It contains the Rules in which the Branch must operate and its aims. These are:
to support and pursue the Aims and Objectives contained in the UNISON Rule Book, and the Objectives agreed by UNISON’s National Executive Committee annually, and in particular:
to achieve the aims and targets set annually through the Branch assessment.
The Rule book is reviewed at least annually and changes are made through the Annual General Meeting, open to all members to attend.