Local Government and School Pay 2024-2025
Our employers have offered another real terms pay cut. We’ve already lost over 25% of our wages in the last decade, and of course we had huge increases in our fuel bills, food, rent and travel over the last couple of years. No wonder we’re struggling to make ends meet. And because of funding cuts, our jobs are harder. That’s why we need both an above-inflation increase and a plan to restore our pay over the coming years.
Public Services Not Private Profit
The pay offer was made before the general election, when we had a Tory government that we knew was all about private profit, not public services. But we now have a Labour government. They’ve said that they will honour recommendations of public sector pay review bodies – but that doesn’t include us. However, Labour has also said that October’s budget will be “painful”. After years of austerity, we can’t take any more pain.
So VOTE YES to strike and send a clear message out to the government that they need to fund our services and pay up now!
The Money’s There
We aren’t all in this together, and ‘pain’ isn’t equal. The rich are still getting richer at our expense, they certainly aren’t feeling any pain. We know about the obscene profits the energy companies have made the last few years. But the 2024 ‘rich list’ shows yet again that UK billionaires are getting richer. They should be properly taxed and the money invested in our public services, not lining the pockets of city fat cats.​​​​​​​​​
Get Ballot-Ready
Our employers have offered with effect from 1 April 2024, a flat rate increase of £1,290 to be paid as a consolidated addition on all NJC pay points 2 to 43 inclusive.
In addition and also with effect from 1 April 2024 an increase of 2.50 per cent on all allowances (as listed in the 2023 NJC pay agreement circular dated 1 November 2023)
Not only is this a pay cut, but it’s less than we got the last two years. Can we really afford another pay cut? We already work over a day for free compared to a decade ago – Pay Free Friday – and now they’re coming for our Thursday pay too.
That’s why UNISON is balloting us for strike action. The ballot starts on 4 September, and the voting paper will come to your home address in a purple envelope.