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Use Your Vote
Don't be silent this year, let your voice be heard and return your ballot paper.


It's a disaggregated ballot this year, meaning that you are voting for your Branch and workplace to take action.  It's never been so important to get your vote counted.


If we want to send a clear message to our employers and to the Government that we deserve a pay rise, then we need every member to vote in the ballot! Anti-union laws mean that we have to get over 50% of members to vote, as well as a majority to vote YES for action. To make sure that you get your ballot paper sent to your home address check that all your contact details are correct with UNISON.


Check your details are correct 

It's easy to check if we have your correct contact details, and a great way to see what Unison benefits there are!  Go to your very own My Unison page, log in to your membership details and check that your address, workplace, email and telephone details are correct.  If not, you may not be included in the ballot.


You can also contact the Branch, and we will check and update for you.  Don't delay, it might stop your pay (increase!).










Recruit your colleagues

It’s a basic trade union fact, but there really is strength in numbers! The more people in the union, the greater the impact any action we may take will have, so why not ask your workmates if they are in UNISON, and if not, would they like to join.


You don’t have to be a union steward to recruit – in fact the more of us asking everyone, the more we can create a ‘union atmosphere’ in the workplace.  One that is supportive of each other and a colleague who you can trust.


People can join online at the UNISON website or if you contact the Branch, we can get membership forms to you. If you work in or near New Shire Hall in Alconbury, you can call into the Branch office when you are next visiting IT !!  For full contact details go to the Contact The Branch page.


Become a Pay Champion

Pay Champions are great at getting the message out.  The Branch will send you direct information on the ballot, it will be your job to get this information to your work colleagues.  We also want you to encourage them to vote, as this remains vital in beating the anti trade union legislation.  If this is a job for you, contact the Branch and we will add you onto our Pay Champions list.


Unison Cambridgeshire Meetings

The Branch is holding regular meetings throughout the NJC pay ballot period.  There is also a National briefing being held on the 12th September.  Take a look at the Events page on this website for more information and the important link to join.​​


Not got your ballot paper?

Don't worry, you can get a replacement ballot paper easily and quickly.  The replacement line opens on 17th September and will close on 9th October.  Call Unison Direct on: 0800 0857 857.  You will need to quote your membership number, so have that at hand.  Your completed ballot paper will need to arrive back with Civica by 10am on Wednesday 16th October 2024 to be counted.

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